Ewiger kohl - perennial kale
(Brassica oleracea var. ramosa)
Ewiger kohl is simply German for ‘everlasting kale’ and in the past the term may have referred to several varieties, as such kales were probably more widespread in Europe. Nowadays, however, it is usually this variety that is referred to as ‘Ewiger kohl’. Of the other perennial kales we grow, this is most similar to Daubenton’s. The overall appearance of the plant is similar to a low-growing green Daubenton’s, although the leaf is thinner, more pointed, and has smoother margins. The stems are generally thinner, more delicate looking than Daubenton’s. Plants from cuttings seem to take a little longer to become established, however, once it gets going Ewiger kohl is a tough plant and produces good harvests of fairly tender leaves.
Plants can be planted out immediately when you receive them as long as the ground is not frozen, although they can be kept sitting in their pots in a sheltered spot outdoors for another week or so, or potted up into bigger pots rather than planted in the ground. If planted in autumn, we recommend not harvesting leaves until spring, to give the plant the best chance to develop over winter.