Chinese artichoke (Stachys affinis)
Chinese artichoke, also known as Chorogi, Artichoke betony or Crosne, are prolific producers of delicious crunchy tubers and have a bushy top growth of fuzzy leaves that grow up to 50-60 cm tall. They are related to the mint family. The tubers are usually about 3-5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide (Those on the smaller side are fiddly to prepare and are best be kept for replanting).
Tubers are hardy and can be planted out directly between October and May. Alternatively they can be kept in a cool place through winter in trays or pots of slightly damp compost (They will start to sprout in early spring but wait till all danger of frost has passed before you plant them out). Plant about 25cm apart and 7cm deep in a fairly sunny position.
Plants also do well in compost-filled bags as in the photo above. It’s our preferred method of growing them. This way they can be given an earlier start in a greenhouse then put outside when there is no chance of hard frost. The tubers are also easier to harvest and clean.
We have found that plants produce more and bigger tubers if flowering shoots are removed when they appear. In the autumn the top growth dies back and you can start harvesting from around October and over the winter months. Lift tubers to eat as and when you need them as they store very well in the ground. If any tubers are left in the ground in spring they will sprout and you can leave them to grow where they are or dig them up and move them.
If you don’t want to plant tubers straight away, you can keep them wrapped in paper in the salad compartment of your fridge for several weeks, but check them occasionally to make sure they don’t dry out too much.